President’s Message to Members and Supporters – June 2019
This is my third message to you since taking on the role as club President. It is interesting to note that we are approaching the first 100 day mark since the formation of your new board of directors, and we are now starting to get a regular routine established. It is my intention to publish a President’s Message as soon as possible after each formal board meeting is held. This will provide you with certainty about the timing of when you can expect updates on the activities of the board. Formal board meetings are held on the last Monday of every month, with the most recent one having occurred on Monday 27th May.
Your directors are currently formulating plans and strategies for each of these key areas of the club:
Members and Sponsors.
Finance Management.
The Oval Precinct.
The Clubrooms and Venue Precinct.
Governance, People and Culture.
These areas are discussed at length in our board meetings, and it is noteworthy that some of the achievements already made during our first 100 days include:
Of course, there remains much more to be done, including in the area of our on-field results. Coach Gavin Colville took time out on Monday night to present a report to the directors about the season so far, and we made it abundantly clear to Gavin that he has the full support and backing of the board during this difficult time. The impact of the mid-season draft cannot be ignored, but this is something about which we and the SANFL are equally frustrated and appear to have little influence over. This will not stop us from voicing our concerns and trying to modify it for the future. But for the time being we have to live with it, and we need to work extra hard to minimise its influence on our results. Now, more so than ever, all members and supporters need to continue to get behind Gavin and the team as they work towards turning the season around.
Murray Forbes