Bloods Big Bash – Big Success

On Sunday 6th February 2022, the Senior Men’s players held a T20 cricket match in order to support the Club through fundraising as well as work towards our mission of a strong united club.

Spectators were encouraged to attend at the Western Youth Centre to watch the boys in what turned out to be a thriller match! The victory was decided by the last ball. Team Red required a 4 to secure a tie or a 6 to win. Team Black managed to stay composed and held off Team Red’s last batsmen (Hamish Hartlett & Oscar Steene) from scoring a boundary and hence securing the victory of the very first Bloods Big Bash.

Congratulations to Team Black for winning and well done to Jed Obst – Man of the Match! (Check out an incredible catch from Jed in the photos below.)

We wish to thank all those who supported the Club and assisted in the exciting new event. Firstly, well done to the players, in particular, Matthew McKenzie for organising and running the day. Thank you to the Western Youth Centre for hosting us and opening the bar facilities for us. Thank you to our wonderful partners who contributed with kind donations including Belgravia Sports, Vili’s, Fleurieu Milk Company, and Thomas Foods.

If you missed out on the action, look below for some photos from the day. You can also listen to the live commentary broadcast by OZSports Radio!

Overall it was fantastic to see supporters and players of the West Adelaide Football Club come together in the pre-season to celebrate the mighty Bloods! We are so proud and privileged to have such a dedicated and generous community behind us.

Go Bloods!